Showing posts with label ReardonSmith Architects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ReardonSmith Architects. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ReardonSmith Architects - South Africa

ReardonSmith Architects are a London based architectural practice specialising in the design of hotels and resorts worldwide with current projects that are as varied as a new marina destination on the Adriatic, the restoration of The Savoy in London, a new Four Seasons hotel in Azerbaijan and the Le Meridien Fisherman’s Cove Resort in the Seychelles.

Our research suggests that ReardonSmith’s specialist expertise in hotel and resort architecture could represent a valuable resource to developers, owners and operators in the region. By establishing our presence outside the UK in Cape Town, from January 2011, run by Kirsten Goosen, one of our most experienced associates who is South African, our wish and intention is to provide a premier design service, informed by international experience but delivered with local, hands-on perspective.

Building G
Podium Floor
The Boulevard
Searle Street
Cape Town
South Africa

Phone: +27 21 812 2664 
Fax: +27 86 673 9884 