Jacaranda Hotels launched into the Kenyan hospitality industry in 1964
initially as a motel-The Pizza Garden which provided snacks and
beverages for tourists on transit. The popularity of the establishment
brought with it necessity for a bigger facility that would provide
accommodation for the discerning patrons. The many Jacaranda trees on
location provided a perfect name which today is synonymous. In 1973, a
World Bank Conference was to be staged in Nairobi. The Jacaranda only
had 40 rooms, which was hardly enough for all the expected guests and
The need for further expansion arose and two extra wings
were built to house 80 more rooms. At the time, it was just after
independence and there existed opportunities for growth hence the need
for professionalism. Jacaranda Hotels has been managed by different
hands among them Alliance Hotels, Quality Inn and Block
Jacaranda hotel-Nairobi was Land mark hotel during the block hotels
tenure. In October 2003, the management contract with Block hotels came
to an end Jacaranda Hotels Kenya was then formed. It is now 8 years
since Jacaranda hotels Kenya was formed. Our industry has been through
many challenges but amid these challenges, we kept it together and are
now ready to officially launch the new products
PO BOX 14287 Nairobi
Phone: +254 (0)20 444 8713
Fax: +254 (0) 20 444 8718
Email: james.chege@jacarandahotels.com
Website: http://www.jacarandahotels.com
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